We Found Money That Belongs To You, and We Can Help You Get It.

We are licensed and work directly with the county to assist individuals in filing claims. We perform an audit on the county records and they provide us with information and updates on the status of claims with no cost to you. 

I’m Yolanda Joshua.

CEO/President/Director of my company.

Upon being contacted, by a company who informed me about funds from a foreclosure after my mother’s passing, I decided to establish an asset recovery company. Prior to this, I had no knowledge of these funds as the county failed to inform me. I made it my mission to help others in similar situations by connecting them with their unclaimed assets. Receiving the funds was a timely blessing that helped me during a difficult time.

Since starting my asset recovery company, I have built a team of highly skilled professionals who assist with the process of claiming unclaimed funds. These experts have extensive knowledge and experience in the field, which enables them to navigate the complicated process of asset recovery with ease.

Together, we work tirelessly to ensure that our clients receive the unclaimed funds that are rightfully theirs. Our team conducts thorough research and utilizes various resources to locate unclaimed assets and determine their value.

We understand that many people are unaware of the unclaimed assets they may have, which is why we strive to educate and inform our clients about the asset recovery process. We believe that everyone deserves to have access to their unclaimed funds and we’re committed to helping them through every step of the process.

Thanks to our team of experts, we have helped numerous individuals and businesses reclaim their unclaimed assets. It brings us great satisfaction to witness the joy and relief on our clients’ faces when they receive their long-awaited funds.

How the Asset Recovery Process Works


You agree to hire us at NO upfront charge, we then prepare the paperwork and file a claim on your behalf.


We work with our attorneys and the government agency and keep you posted on the progress.


Once the process is complete, You receive your unclaimed funds, and we are paid.

Why are we contacting you?

In the event of a Tax Deed or Mortgage foreclosure, the county holds a foreclosure auction on your property due to unpaid taxes or mortgage. The opening bid at this auction is for the amount of taxes or mortgage that is owed.

What most people do not know is that these properties sell for an amount that is higher than the opening bid and any profit remaining is owed to the previous owner.

The county sends out surplus notifications letters, but most of the time it’s to the last address on record so you are never informed.

Get Surplus Funds After a Foreclosure Sale
Our job is to step in and assist you in filing this claim, we work directly with the county and can assist you in recovering these funds.

The beauty of working with us is that we charge NO upfront fees and only get paid a finders fee upon a successful claim,  so you bear no risk at all.

Contact Us

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15 + 1 =

2330 Scenic Highway S

Snellville, Georgia USA

Tel: 706-470-7906     |   help@swiftassetrecovery.com